Additional Information
    • Athens Acropolis
    • Greece Island
    • dubai banner

Training Locations

JETSTREAM Aviation Academy is conveniently located in two locations, in Europe and Middle East. The EASA approved Crew Training Centers are based at the Athens International Airport in Greece and at Silicon Oasis in Dubai UAE. Both training centers offer ATPL Ab Initio Pilots, Type Ratings, Maintenance and Cabin Crew Training. In our modern facilities we can handle large number of trainees for all courses provided. The flight training takes place in Athens Greece where the Full Flight Simulator Training is performed in the Middle East or Europe.

Athens Training Center

Athens Training Center

Dubai Training Center

Dubai Training Center

Tagged As

Aviation Training Europe Aviation Training Middle East JETSTREAM Aviation Athens Dubai aviation academy aviation training center aviation training center Dubai

    We provide single room accommodation, close to our Training Centers in 4 star hotels by the sea with free Wi-Fi. For trainees that attend courses for a period of more than 3 months we provide single or shared apartment accommodation.

    For accommodation in Dubai please contact us.

    Athens: +30 210 6025700,

    Dubai: +971 4 3922 200,

     Examinations Timetable
    in Athens and Dubai
     Every 3rd and 4th weekend of each month
     Admissions: 1 month before
     EASA Part66 Modules B1, B2